



It started as a 2 months independent project made in GameMaker, but ended in a constant raise of awareness.

The flower world is degrading, running short on water, and these small, pixelated characters face a bigger problem than their selfish spikey king...

When all the rebellious voices get silenced, you must be the change you want to see!


Cora, another indifferent citizen of the Flower Kingdom, sets out on a mission to find her missing sister, Abigail.

Driven by the love for her cactus sister, she starts searching everywhere. But even if they would reunite, a larger threat looms over the world.


The character design was inspired by real flowers, each with vibrant colors and distinct personalities.

Meet Orchid, the fallen ruler whose throne was seized, Poppy, the last surviving member of the royal family, and Hydra, a flower lost in despair.

Discover how Cora, the cactus protagonist is on a complicated mission to rescue her sister and fight against the tyrant Rose, a narcissistic ruler with an iron fist.

Game structure

The journey begins in the Cactus Kingdom, where the player awakens and sets out to find Abigail. The central chamber connects all four kingdoms, which can be unlocked one by one. In each kingdom, the player progresses upward from the roots to the flower, exploring as they go.

The design of vertical progression was chosen to give the player the sensation of ascent, of rising above, in the hopes of finding a less toxic environment.

Level design

Poppies Kingdom

Hydrangeas Kingdom

Orchids Kingdom

Throne room